Stress…we’ve all experienced it. We all accept it, but stress takes a toll on our bodies. So much so that it makes it more difficult to enjoy a healthy quality of life – and that can cause a host of other issues. In order to avoid this, it is very important to find ways to relieve the stress that presents itself in life. So, here are 6 ways to relieve stress.

Eat a Healthy Diet

I’m sure this comes to no surprise. As a board-certified nutritionist, incorporating a healthy diet is the foundation for reducing stress. Believe it or not, certain foods contribute to elevating the level of stress on the body. But when it comes to combating stress levels, what you eat may actually help relieve your tension. Oranges, for example, can curb levels of stress hormones. Spinach is another great stress-busting food. Rich in magnesium, spinach may reduce the symptoms of headaches and fatigue, compounding the effects of stress. Celery helps relieve depression.


It’s no secret that exercise puts an extra pep in our step and increases the benefit of our overall health, but exercise increases the production of endorphins – which relieves stress. According to the American Heart Association, “Everyone responds to stress in different ways, but we all have one thing in common: Regular exercise reduces the harmful effects of stress.” It has further been discovered that even short periods of exercise, as little as 15 – 25 minutes can produce a large number of benefits that can last for the majority of a day. If you are a person that suffers from anxiety, then you might also find some relief for your anxiety symptoms in exercise as well.

Set More Realistic Goals

Have you ever fallen short of the goals that you’ve set for yourself? Most people have experienced this at some point in life, but what many fail to realize is that the reason why they failed is most likely because they didn’t have realistic views of their abilities. When you set goals that are too hard to reach, the inevitable result is almost always depression of some sort, because it can be hard to deal with failure. The best way to avoid this is to set some good beginning goals to get yourself started off right and add one BHAG (big, hairy, audacious goal).

Catch some Zzzzz’s

A healthy diet low in sugar, caffeine, and alcohol can promote health and reduce stressbut a good night’s sleep is paramount. A good night’s sleep makes you able to tackle the day’s stress more easily. My favorite ways to make sure I get a good night’s sleep:

  1. Turn off all electronics prior to going to bed, at least an hour before
  2. Keep your room fairly cool
  3. Avoid naps or sleeping in on the weekends
  4. Cut off caffeine later in the afternoon
  5. Where amber blue blocker glasses in the evening to signal your body that it’s time to make melatonin to go to sleep
Learn to Control Your Emotions

When life throws you a curve ball, how do you react? Having a calm outlook regardless of the situation can help you to be a better problem solver. Take a step back and examine your reaction and the reaction of others. This can give you invaluable insight into a variety of life’s situations. Irritability and anger are red flags of stress. Find positive, healthy options to control emotions and reduce stress.

Value Your Time More

This one is a biggie for me. Especially if you find yourself regretting doing the things that rob your time! Learn the power of saying no to people. This can help you to eliminate a large portion of stress in an instant. Planning your week ahead can be a great stress reliever also.

A healthy lifestyle is not just about the food you eat. It’s a holistic approach which gives our lives balance and an optimal state of health.

To your health,


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