Fasting has become a popular health trend, with many people, including celebrities and social media influencers, claiming that fasting can help with weight loss, improve digestion, and boost overall health. It also helps the body get rid of the bad stuff: toxins, viruses, bad bacteria, and compromised cells (this is my favorite!). While most of these benefits may be true, it is important to fast with caution, especially if you’ve never done it before.

What is Fasting?

Despite the current trends, fasting is not a new practice. It has been around for thousands of years, mainly due to the numerous health benefits it has. Fasting, in general, involves abstaining from food (and sometimes drink) for a period of time. That being said, there are many different types of fasting, ranging from short-term fasts that last a day to longer fasts that can last for several days or even weeks.

Six Tips on How to Fast Safely

While fasting can have many potential benefits, it’s important to approach it with caution and make sure you’re doing it in a manner that works for you. Here are six tips for fasting safely:

1. Start Slowly

If you’re new to fasting, start with a shorter fast, such as skipping a meal or fasting for six hours. Once you feel comfortable with that, you can gradually increase the length.

2. Hydrate Often

Drink lots of water while you fast to avoid dehydration, which can be extremely dangerous. Try to drink eight glasses of water per day.

3. Listen to Your Body

Your body will tell you when it’s time to quit. Pay attention to the signs; if you feel dizzy, lightheaded, or weak, it may not be a good idea to continue your fast.

4. Break Your Fast Slowly

When you’re ready to break your fast, start with small, easily digestible foods like soup or cooked vegetables. Avoid large meals and heavy, fatty foods, which can be difficult to digest after a fast.

5. Don’t Fast for Too Long

While longer fasts can be beneficial, it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough nutrients. Avoid fasting for more than two days when you first start out.

6. Consult a Medical Health Professional

If you have any underlying health conditions (such as hypoglycemia) or are taking medications, it’s important to consult with your doctor before trying fasting the first time. You can also get in touch with a dietician or nutritionist to find out if fasting could be beneficial for you.

Want to try a nutritionally supported (that means you get to chew!) 3-day fast called Reset? It jumpstarts your metabolism and helps your body get rid of bad cells, toxins, viruses, and bacteria. It is the best! Click here to see the eight daily products you’ll get, or click here to see the Reset with 30 days of gut health support!


Serves: 1

Ingredients (use organic where possible):

  • 1 tablespoon grass-fed butter or coconut oil
  • 1 cup dairy-free milk
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • Pinch sea salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons toasted sunflower seeds
  • 2 tablespoons of walnuts


  1. Add all ingredients (except sunflower seeds) to a small pot over medium heat.
  2. Whisk until mixture comes to a simmer, then reduce heat to keep at a low simmer.
  3. Cook for 5 minutes, whisking occasionally, until chia seeds are soft and plump, and mixture is thick and the consistency of cooked grits.
  4. Pour into a serving bowl. Top with walnuts or any kind of nut, and enjoy!”

To Your Health,


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