Do you feel like your food is just sitting in your stomach for hours after you eat? Or is the opposite happening, and you are running to the bathroom before you have even finished your meal? You are not alone, and there are things you can do improve the situation. Here are ten steps to take now to get things moving properly through your gut for better and more efficient digestion:

  1. Food Combining – When foods are correctly combined, they do not sit in your stomach and ferment (this is NOT the good kind). When food has been sitting in your stomach or digestive tract too long it can cause gas, pain, bloating and malabsorption. To combine food, you eat protein with vegetables or grains with vegetables, never proteins & grains together. Also, fruits should be eaten alone on an empty stomach, they digest quicker than other foods, and so they tend to ferment. I suggest eating fruit before the rest of your meal.
  2. Fermented Foods – These are naturally fermented (this is the GOOD kind of ferment) foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, pickles, etc., that, when eaten, will feed the good bacteria and balance the microbiome in your gut for optimum health. A little bit goes a long way with these foods; you should start with one tablespoon with each meal and then increase to 2 tablespoons and finally a quarter of a cup.
  3. Enzymes and Probiotics – Most people, especially those over 40 will benefit by taking digestive enzymes because as we age the stomach makes less hydrochloric acid which makes it harder to digest proteins. Did you know that 70% of our immune system resides in our gut? Probiotics help keep the gut microbiome balanced and bolster our immune system. I take a probiotic formula that includes enzymes; it’s quite handy.
  4. Water – We all know we need to drink plenty of water. A little known Ayurvedic trick is to drink a glass of water 15 minutes before your meal. This will get your digestive juices flowing, and your food will digest better. A good rule of thumb when it comes how much to drink daily: drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily (up to 100 ounces).
  5. 80% Rule – Eat until you are 80% full and eat slowly, chewing each bite for better digestion. This allows you to eat just the right amount to avoid that uncomfortable full feeling; your tummy will thank you if you stop just before you are full.
  6. Eat Loads of Fiber – Your body needs fiber to keep your digestive process regular to carry out toxins, excess hormones, and junk. Eating lots of water-soluble fiber found in veggies and fruits (but mostly veggies – less sugar) is great for your digestion. Just don’t forget step #4! Drink lots of water, too, so that you don’t end up with bulky stool.
  7. Short Fasting Period – Don’t worry, I am not suggesting that you don’t eat for a day. What I am suggesting is that you take some time between meals. Give your system about 3 or 4 hours to let your food digest. When your gut is constantly bombarded by food all day long, it can slow things down. Give it some time to work on that last meal before you head to the kitchen for a snack. If you have diabetes or a blood sugar imbalance, it may be necessary to have a snack in between meals – this is fine; just try not to be constantly “grazing” throughout the day.
  8. Cut Sugar and White Carbohydrates – These foods will feed the bad yeast and bacteria in your gut which will cause a myriad of problems. Avoid them for less gas and bloating. You don’t want the insulin spike that comes from sugar and carbs either – no overworking that pancreas!
  9. Gluten – A large percentage of Americans are gluten intolerant, or they have “non-celiac gluten sensitivity” and do not know it. Try going without and see if your digestion behaves differently.
  10. Bone Broth – One of the most soothing and healing drinks that you could ever ingest! Homemade bone broth contains many of the nutrients you need to heal your gut. It also contains the minerals you need for strong bones. It’s a win-win, must-consume food! You can also purchase bone broth at health food stores and online.
Which Tip Will You Choose?

If you incorporate at least one of these tips, you are well on your way to a more efficient and healthy digestive system; take baby steps, for now, adding one step at a time. Let me know which step you are choosing first by leaving a comment below!

To Your Health,


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