Start your 3-Day Clean Eating Challenge right away! Click to sign up!

You may be thinking, “So, what the heck IS clean eating, anyway?”

Is it downing a bunch of alfalfa sprouts with little else on your plate and the result is you feel hungry all the time? Is it never eating any sugar in ANY form? Is it never having fun ever again when you eat?

Absolutely NOT!

Clean eating is choosing unprocessed foods that are blood sugar friendly and anti-inflammatory in nature. There is a wide array of tasty foods that fit this description, so don’t worry, you won’t go hungry and you’ll enjoy your meals as you dive into some tasty, healing recipes that are nothing but good for you.

I want to give you a taste of clean eating by inviting you to sign up for my FREE 3-Day Clean Eating Challenge. Are you up for it?!!

Here’s what you will receive:

  • 3 days of scrumptious, healthful recipes that will soothe your digestive tract, tame the belly bloat and up your energy
  • 3 days of yummy snacks to keep your blood sugar balanced between meals
  • A bonus Protein Balls recipe that is guaranteed to satisfy your taste buds
  • Helpful clean eating tips
  • A handout on how to eat clean on the go

This is not a carb cycling diet, or an all-protein diet or the newest fad that’s out there. This is just 3 days of eating real, unprocessed food; food that is good for your body because it’s filled with nutrients your body needs and wants.

What are you waiting for?

Sign up below for instant access and get ready to reap the benefits of this challenge!

Patti DeFelicisPatti DeFelicis is the proud owner of Worthy Nutrition. A certified Holistic Nutritionist, with years of experience in clean eating for healthy digestion, Patti is on a quest to share her secrets to health and vitality. She helps those who want to free themselves from food cravings long enough to lose the weight and regain health. Patti’s passion for nutrition started at the age of 18. As a former sugarholic, Patti is no stranger to overeating issues. Through hard work and exploration, she gradually faced the truth about her relationship with food and how it basically took precedence over her relationships. She was able to put food back in its rightful place, second fiddle to the relationships in her life.

Now she helps people regain their health, energy and lose weight through simply eating the right, wholesome foods, and teaching them mindful eating. Her step-by-step programs help her clients discover which foods fuel their body and which foods stop them from having the life they have always strived to live.

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